Monday, February 4, 2013

Sparkly French Tips

Got this idea off Pinterest, as usual. Not perfect, but I like the way it turned out!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Blue and White Gradient Nails

So I didn't get my nails perfectly cleaned up for this picture (it's hard to do with the gradient!), but my hand is definitely posed in a much more flattering way.

As far as the style goes, I really like it, and I love that I found a great tutorial to do it without having to pour out and mix polishes.  Instead, I used makeup sponges to kind of stamp the color onto my nails.  I also tried this with hot pink and white, but I made some mistakes, so no pictures of that!  This is another one that I'm looking forward to trying lots of different color combinations to see what I like.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Green Glitter Tips

I loved these nails, they were so simple and fun!  I just did a simple sheer color for the main part of my nail and then added the green tips.  One thing that was hard is that the glitter polish is kind of thicker takes a couple coats to really look good, so the tips of my nails kind of stuck out more than the rest of the nail, if that makes sense?  But it wouldn't be noticeable to anyone but me, so it wasn't a big deal.  I will definitely be doing this again, and exploring with other colors too.  I might even do different color combinations? We'll see.

On a side note, this picture of my hand is just awful and I realized how bad all of the pictures of my hand look so far, so I am determined to make it better.  From now on I will make an exerted effort to actually make the pictures look good.  That includes cleaning up my mistakes and whatnot before I take the picture, as well as posing my hand better.